Not Eligible for Laser Vision Correction Surgery?

by | Feb 13, 2023 | Blog, Eye Care

You Can Opt For Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) Surgery

As you are probably aware, there are various specs-removal and vision correction surgical options available nowadays. Corneal laser surgery such as Lasik, PRK, and Smile procedures improve vision by reshaping the clear front surface of the eye (cornea) with a laser.  Though these procedures are very effective, they are not suitable for people with thin and abnormally shaped corneas, those with very high prescriptions of above 8 to 10 Diopters, or those who have Dry eye, and other corneal abnormalities.

Such people can opt for ICL or Implantable Contact Lens surgery, a modern and effective refractive vision correction technique. In this procedure, a lens made from an advanced biocompatible material is implanted between the iris (coloured part of the eye) and the eye’s natural crystalline lens. The ICL works with the natural lens to focus light properly back onto the retina and provide clear vision after the surgery at a full range of distances. In effect, it can correct near-vision power, distance-vision power, and cylindrical power. 

ICL surgery is an innovative procedure that provides you with clearer vision and is a better alternative to spectacles, contact lenses, and even laser eye surgery. People who opt for ICL can experience an immediate improvement in vision. However, it is not suitable for everyone.

ICL eye surgery is suitable for:

  • People those with moderate to severe myopia or moderate hyperopia with a stable prescription for at least six months to a year
  • People who cannot undergo LASIK or PRK surgery due to large pupils and very high prescriptions, or those who have undergone a corneal transplant, or have thin and abnormally shaped corneas
  • Those with Dry eye and Keratoconus

ICL eye surgery is not suitable for:

  • People who have had previous eye surgery or have a prior history of eye diseases such as glaucoma, iris infections, or other serious eye diseases or conditions
  • Those without a large enough anterior chamber depth or endothelial cell density
  • People who are presbyopic (age-related farsightedness)
  • Those with uncontrolled dry eye, blepharitis, or corneal endothelial dystrophy
  • Pregnant or nursing women

If you are considering ICL surgery, the team of highly skilled and experienced refractive surgeons at Narayana Nethralaya will evaluate the condition of your eyes thoroughly, from the thickness and shape of your cornea to your overall eye health, before advising whether you are eligible for ICL vision correction surgery or not.

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