5 Tips for a Healthy Vision

May 2, 2023 | Blog, Eye Care

Health awareness has increased dramatically over the past few years, thanks to the abundance of information available on the internet. With the plethora of information available on health tips, weight loss management, wellness, and mental health, why should eye care and healthy vision be left behind?

Your eyes deserve the best care as much as your other systems do. Follow these 7 essential tips towards a healthy vision:

  1. Small lifestyle changes can help reduce your risk of developing eye conditions and safeguard your vision.

Quit smoking. When you smoke, toxic substances such as tar and nicotine in cigarettes can lead to cellular changes, oxidative stress, and vascular constriction (reduced blood flow to the eyes). This increases your risk of developing eye conditions such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and other diseases that can affect your vision.

Wear sunglasses when outdoors to protect your eyes from UV rays. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage your eyes, increase the risk of cataracts, and possibly accelerate macular degeneration.

Eat a balanced diet—consume a diet rich in citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, eggs, nuts, omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and whole grains that supports good eye health.

In addition to including these nutrients in your diet, it’s important to limit your intake of unhealthy fats, refined carbohydrates, and processed foods, as these can contribute to inflammation and other health problems that can affect your vision.


Be physically active and maintain a healthy weight. Being obese or overweight can increase your chances of developing glaucoma and systemic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, which can in turn affect your vision. Exercise stimulates the entire body, lowers your odds of obesity, and helps prevent diabetes and diabetes-related eye disorders and blindness.

Add a multivitamin to your daily regimen. Vitamin deficiencies can cause serious vision problems. Vitamins A (beta-carotene), C, D, and E can provide nutrients your food may be lacking and help support overall eye health.

Stay hydrated. Make sure you drink sufficient water, especially this summer, to avoid dehydration, which can lead to reduced tear production, dry eyes, and eye irritation. Other beneficial drinks that you can add to your diet include skimmed milk, juices made from 100% fruits or vegetables, and non-caffeinated teas (without sugar).

Get adequate sleep every night. Lack of quality sleep can lead to eye strain, puffy and dry eyes, eye spasms, popped eye vessels, and dark circles under your eyes. Good sleep refreshes your eyes by giving rest to the eye muscles and providing the required fluid circulation in the eyes.

  1. Schedule yearly eye exams.

One of the most important things you can do to maintain healthy vision is to schedule yearly eye exams. These exams are essential for detecting any potential eye problems early on before they become more serious. During an eye exam, your eye doctor will perform a comprehensive evaluation of your eyes and vision, checking for issues such as refractive errors, cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. By detecting these problems early, your eye doctor can recommend treatments or interventions to prevent them from progressing or causing permanent damage to your vision.

Schedule your appointment at Narayana Nethralaya today and take an important step towards maintaining a healthy vision for life!

To book an appointment, call 866-466-21641.

  1. Control your blood sugar, BP, and cholesterol levelsby maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol can contribute to eye problems as the retinal cells in your eyes are very sensitive to changes in metabolism and blood flow. Managing any existing conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol through medication and regular check-ups with your doctor can help ensure that these levels remain within healthy ranges, reducing the risk of eye complications. Ask your doctor to help you set and reach goals to manage your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

  1. Reduce screen time and give your eyes a rest.

Spending a long period of time staring at a screen, whether it’s a computer, tablet, or smartphone, can cause eye strain, fatigue, and dryness, which can all contribute to discomfort and vision problems. To reduce the risk of these issues and maintain healthy vision, it’s important to give your eyes a break from screen time regularly.

Remember to follow the 20-20-20 rule to reduce eye strain: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. By reducing your screen time and giving your eyes a rest, you can help prevent discomfort and maintain healthy vision for years to come.

  1. Proper Eye hygiene

Healthy practices and habits that include regular washing of your hands before touching your eyes, avoiding rubbing your eyes, removing eye makeup before going to bed, protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays, and following proper contact lens care can help maintain good eye health and prevent eye infections. By prioritizing eye hygiene, you can maintain good eye health and improve your overall quality of life.


Maintaining good eye health is as important as your general health. Most of us ignore the health of our eyes and visit our eye specialist only during an emergency. Remember, taking care of your eyes through regular eye exams, healthy lifestyle habits, and proper eye hygiene, you can enjoy the beauty of the world around you with clear and vibrant healthy vision for years to come.

For more tips on eye health and information on eye diseases and their treatment, follow our blog page.


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