
Refractive errors are very common in children. Children may be unaware that they do not see as much as other children. These children usually struggle in school to see the blackboard and hence may not be able to keep up with the school work. If parents or teachers do not notice this problem, it can leave the child helplessly struggling with low vision.

Look for these signs which indicate that the child needs an eye examination.

1. Squinting

Squinting the eyes or looking at something with the eyes partly closed to see more clearly. This helps enhance vision and it could be an indication that your child is trying to compensate for vision problems.

2. Rubbing the eyes

Rubbing the eyes is particularly common among young kids who might not be aware that they are suffering from poor vision and is a very common sign that you need to pay attention to and schedule an eye check up.

3. Frequent blinking

Blinking might mean that your child has a refractive problem that is preventing their eyes from producing a clear image. These refractive problems may include myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness).

4. Head Tilting

Do you see your child tilting his head while watching the television? Well, this could be your child’s unconscious attempt to find a better picture of the images, which usually occurs when one eye has poorer vision than the other. You child may also try to cover or close one eye.

5. Headaches

If you child complains of constant headaches that normally occurs at the end of the day, then it could be because of tired and strained eyes. Eyeglasses could solve the problem and also eradicate the headaches at the same time.

If you notice any of the above signs of poor vision, then it is important for your child to undergo a vision test and complete ophthalmic assessment – which can help determine whether or not your child needs eyeglasses.

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